Statutory Information
Statutory Information
The information provided below and the documents which are downloabale on the side of this page are also available in hardcopy to school visitors upon request.
Contact Details
The name, postal address and telephone number of the school, and the name of a person to whom enquiries should be addressed is:
Mrs Nicola Fountain, Church St, Rothersthorpe, Northampton, NN7 3HS
Telephone: 01604 830995
Mrs Henry-Moore: SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
Opening Times
Our School opens from 8.45am - Monday to Friday during term time. The register is taken promptly at 9am. The school day ends at 3.30pm. This is a total of 32.5 hours oer week
Break times: There is a 15 minutes break in the morning and afternoon breaks as required. Lunchtime is from 12.15-1.15pm.
Admission Arrangements
Please find information about our admissions on our dedicated page here. You can also find out more information about Admissions by clicking the link on the right-hand side of this page, at the bottom - the NCC Admissions link (WNCC - West Northamptonshire County Council).
Our School prospectus can be found as a download in the sidebar of the page.
School Curriculum
As a small school we only have 15 pupils per year group. We teach a personalised curriculum; catering to pupils' individual needs whether this is extra support or further challenge and mixed aged classes are a superb way of ensuring every pupil succeeds.
Explorers Class: Pre-School and Reception pupils. We have a maximum of 15 reception pupils with spaces also for pre-school children. Our class is taught by a fully qualified experienced teacher and a level 3 nursery trained assistant.
Pathfinders Class: KS1 - Year 1 and Year 2. Maximum of 30 pupils taught by a fully qualified experienced teacher and teaching assistant.
Adventurers Class: LKS2 - Year 3 and Year 4. Maximum of 30 pupils taught by a fully qualified experienced teacher and a teaching assistant.
Navigators Class: UKS2 - Year 5 and Year 6. Maximum of 30 pupils taught by a fully qualified experienced teacher and a higher level teaching assistant.
Our headteacher covers teacher's planning time. This ensures pupils always achieve a high quality education.
Our Sports Coach supports the teaching of PE lessons across the school.
Information about our school curriculum and how it is delivered across EYFS, KS1 and KS2 is available on our Curriculum pages.
Phonics & Reading
We use 'Floppy Phonics' from Oxford Reading Tree as our school systematic synthetic phonics programme. We also use Oxford Reading Tree, Read, Write Inc, Letters & Sounds and Phonics Play services to support phonics, spelling and reading at our school.
Information in relation to KS1, phonics and reading schemes are available as downloads on our Curriculum pages.
School Progress/Results & School Performance Tables
Information related to our Key Stage 2 Results and School Performance Tables published by the Secretary of State are held on the Department for Education's website, which can be found by using the DfE Performance Tables weblink in the sidebar of the page.
Our Statutory Results are detailed in a report in the sidebar of the page.
Key Results Below:
100% of our pupils achieved a 'Good Level of Development' in The Foundation Stage in 2018 - Outstanding Outcomes.
100% of our pupils achieved the 'expected standard or above' in Reading, Writing and Mathematics in the Foundation Stage in 2018 - Outstanding Outcomes
100% of our pupils passed the Y1 Phonics screening test, which puts our school in the Top 3% of Schools Nationally - Outstanding Outcomes.
For 2018 our 3 Year Averages in Reading, Writing & Mathematics are above local and National figures.
For 2017 Rothersthorpe's End of Key Stage Two Results put our school in the 'Top 20 Primary Schools List in Northamptonshire' for - Reading, Writing & Mathematics Combined Expected; average score for Reading; average score for Reading & Mathematics Combined.
Links to our most recent Ofsted report, Ofsted Parent View (for parent/carer feeback) and the Schools Comparison Website (which replaced the Ofsted Data Dashboard in September 2016), are all accessible as links in the sidebar of the page.
Pupil Premium & PE/Sports Funding
To help with the detail of each of these important aspects of our school, we have provided reports for each which are accessible as links in the sidebar of the page.
Pupil Behaviour
Our Pupil Behaviour/Anti-Bullying Policy can be found in the sidebar of the page.
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Our policy related to Inclusion/Special Educational Needs and a link the Northants Local Offer can be found in the sidebar of the page. Our SENCo is Mrs Nikki Henry-Moore. Contact via email: or main school telephone number: 01604 830995.
School Ethos and Values
Our prospectus as found in the sidebar of the page describes our Ethos and Values:
At Rothersthorpe School general and specific skills are acquired; knowledge and understanding developed; positive attitudes and personal and social attributes encouraged.
We aim to provide a broad, balanced, relevant education for all our children.
We aim to help children to develop lively, enquiring minds and to develop independence.
We aim to achieve this in a structured, happy, stimulating Christian environment.
The ethos of our school is to help all children to develop respect for themselves and each other, to become increasingly responsible for their own actions and to be aware of and sensitive to the needs of others.
Besides a respect for persons, all members of the school community are encouraged to share a respect for property, to have a strong sense of right and wrong and to have a caring attitude for the world in which we live. The curriculum we offer is not merely academic, but embraces the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of all pupils.
Further information about our School Aims and our School Ethos can be found in the sidebar of the page.
Charging Policy
Our policy related to Charging for Educational Activities can be found in the sidebar of the page.