
Head's Blog

1st October 2018 News

Our first inter-school sport competition was a great success. Football was the first sport, other sport competitions will follow, such as rugby, basketball etc. Thank you to Ms ACE for organising.

Thank you for all those parents who have joined our school open Facebook page to keep up-to-date with school events and also promote our wonderful school to our local community. Our new Reception 2019 tour dates are—Monday 5th Nov at 1.45pm, Thursday 8th Nov at 10am and Monday 26th Nov at 10am. More dates will follow in December and January, We also have a few spaces in our Y1/2 class.

Painting in Class 1 is now complete and displays are almost finished. We will arrange a time after school for parents to see the finished class shortly. We are hoping for Class 2 to be painted during February half term, followed by Class 3 in the summer holidays.