
Head's Blog

The head teacher will be updating this page with news and photo galleries on a regular basis!

Y3/4 Gymnastics Team County Final Winners!

Well done to our Y3/4 gym team who won the County Finals today. (Over 80 primary schools entered).

The girls have been working really hard over the past few months and their perseverence has finally paid off.

Thank you to Jo for teaching them and making their dream a reality.


Other Gym News

I have organised a Rothersthorpe Gym Competition in the school hall on Thursday 4th July. 

Our gymnastic star - Maya will open the competition with a display and will help judge.

Categories will be 'new comers to gym'; 'more experienced'; 'boys'


Top Grade of Excellent achieved in the Inspection

I am very proud to announce that our school achieved the top grade of 'Excellent' in our recent Church, (SIAMS) inspection. The full report is available in the 'Statutory' and 'Church' sections of our website.  Some highlights in the report include:

High expectations underpin the success of the school

All feel deeply valued and respected

Inclusive, nurturing relationships

Innovative and exemplary practice

The buddy system helps pupils to become better and more caring people

Pupils recognise and celebrate difference

The school supports all children to flourish, whatever their skills, talents or needs

A broad, balanced and connected curriculum

Behaviour in school is excellent

A highly personalised approach to teaching and learning

Pupils welcome the opportunity to think deeply about issues and life enhancing experiences