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The intent of our mathematics curriculum is to provide children with a foundation for understanding number, reasoning, thinking logically and problem-solving with resilience, so that they are fully prepared for the future. It is essential that these keystones of Mathematics are embedded throughout all strands of the National Curriculum.

By adopting a Mastery approach, it is also intended that all children, regardless of their starting point, will maximise their academic achievement and leave Rothersthorpe Primary School with an appreciation and enthusiasm for Maths, resulting in a lifelong positive relationship with number.


Our implementation is developed through secure understanding of the curriculum and subject area.

Our long-term planning follows the National Curriculum 2014. Weekly and daily lessons follow the Hamilton Flexi blocks planning support framework. Short-term planning is supported by the use of the White Rose Maths Hub materials, Abacus and our school calculation policy.


A mathematical concept or skill has been mastered when a child can show it in multiple ways, using mathematical language to explain their ideas, and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations.

You can read full details of our maths curriculum intent, implementation and impact in documents below.